Pinot Grigio, Purato Sicilien, Italien (Økologisk)
Pinot Grigio, Purato Sicilien, Italien (Økologisk) 549,- This wine was produced in organic cultivated grapes in the South-East Sicily.
Pinot Grigio, Purato Sicilien, Italien (Økologisk) 549,- This wine was produced in organic cultivated grapes in the South-East Sicily.
De Chansac, Sauvignon Blanc. France Gl: 89,- 1/1: 339,- The taste is light, elegant and semi-dry with a style reminiscent of the wines from the Loire.
Chardonnay, La Playa Colchagua Valley, Chile 1/2 229,- 1/1 329,- This wine is fresh, full bodied and fruity. Taste reminds of tropical fruit, peach and pineapple.
Riesling Réserve, Bestheim Alsace, France 369,- Riesling is known as Germany’s classic grape variety, and as one of the world’s finest.